It’s called The Rest of My Time, and it is about what I do with the rest of my time when I’m not working on Kate McEnroe Consulting. It’s also about keeping a focus on making sure that I use the rest of my time on this planet in ways that are important to me and hopefully that have an impact.
Usually I keep these worlds pretty separate, but lately I’ve had the urge for a bit more crossover, so here you go:
The 65-30-65 project is what I am calling the plan my husband and I have for a 3-month adventure crisscrossing Europe from this November until January. We will both still be working, so I guess that makes us digital nomads? It’s hard to tell because we’ve been remote workers who change our location from time to time for years, but this feels a little more momentous. Any guesses about the significance of 65-30-65?
First stop is Ireland for the month of November. I’ll be giving updates on Instagram and The Rest of My Time web site and the newsletter, so check it out if you like. Even if you don’t I imagine some of it will slip over here as well. I think that’s called integration.