No more committee paralysis and studies gathering dust – Let’s Do Some Stuff!
2018 was a big Lifelong Learning year for me, and I’ve got the badges to show for it!
In April, I went to Purdue to complete training in Strategic Doing and Human Insight’s AEM Cube Cognitive Diversity Assessment tool, and since then I’ve completed the rest of the requirements to become a certified workshop facilitator in #StrategicDoing and qualified to administer the #AEMCube. IDEO University granted me a Foundations in Design Thinking Certificate, and I enjoyed the coursework so much I think I’ll go for the Advanced version in 2019. And, I completed the Core Practitioner work in the Narrative Coach program, inspired by how important it is to be better at drawing out people’s and communities’ stories.
This set of skills and credentials really appeal to me as a way to coach economic developers in ways to focus on execution.