From my point of view
Economic Development Organizations should have the capability to create and maintain their own workforce stories. Whether you’re almost a pro, just starting to pull it all together, or somewhere in between, I can help you understand your audience and your assets, put in place a framework and a narrative, and design a cost effective system that will always be up to date.
WHY work with me?
At the start of my career, I was responsible for executing on the recommendations of a site consultant and managing through workforce implications. Now, after many years of evaluating labor markets for my corporate clients, I have designed a suite of services to give economic development clients the skills and confidence to effectively evaluate the labor market and tell the workforce story.

WHO Can Benefit?
State, Regional, and Local EDOs
Utility Economic Developers
Economic Development Associations
WHAT can we work on?
Labor Study Alternative
Web and Collateral Content
RFP Response