This month A Place I’ll Remember is a little different. Bray, Ireland is my base camp for month one of a three month European adventure. I can’t claim any expertise at all about the current state and the future of...
Like all of you, there is a whole lot to my world that doesn’t show up in these newsletters or on my LinkedIn posts. For several years, I’ve maintained a separate web site, newsletter and Instagram account...
If you want everyone in your community on the same page, they have to have the same information, and data visualization can help you with that. Lets’ start with this chart from the Congressional Budget Office. It...
Creative solutions arise from difficult circumstances and the courage to try something new. When faced with low unemployment constraining both hiring and production, DS Smith chose to lean fully in to what it took to...
I’ve been spending time this month getting ready for this year’s Advanced Economic Development Leadership Program being held in Kansas City in October. Since 2018, I’ve been asked to speak about...
See this chart? Nothing wrong with it really, but boy has it created communication challenges. This is the classic graphic from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but you’ve probably seen versions of it...
I’m not generally a fan of age-specific “talent” attraction efforts, but I do appreciate that Tulsa has decided to announce a resolution declaring itself to be a “retirement destination city”, and to seek AARP’s “age...
A few months ago, I encouraged my economic development friends to inventory the maps you use online and in print. Here is a wrap-up of the tips I have shared in this series of ReDesign Your Data map-related...
The citizens of New Orleans put their money where their hearts are in 2022 by passing a property tax millage that enabled the city to double the number of subsidized childcare seats available and add resources to...
If you are an economic developer, digital maps are great. They are flexible, they don’t blow away while you are standing on a site, you can turn layers off and on, you don’t have to worry about a stack of...